Tribute to Janet Messineo

Martha’s Vineyard Times

Eddie Doherty


Last year ended with sad news for the fishing community — we lost Frank Daignault — and now another acclaimed angler is gone.

I was part of a group introduced to Janet Messineo on Martha’s Vineyard when we all fished part of a tide with her on Chappaquiddick, where seven-foot swells were crashing up and down the sloped beach on a windy night. Janet, who succumbed to ALS at the age of 76 in December, was a very nice lady, and an expert surfcaster who was a genuine legend on the Island, so it was an honor to be able to wet a line with her. Born in Lawrence and raised in Salem, N.H., Janet took in her last breath of salt air in the Vineyard Haven home she shared with her husband Tristan Israel. In addition to being an iconic angler, Janet was an accomplished taxidermist, and became a powerful writer.

See the full story link below…

A tribute to Janet Messineo – The Martha’s Vineyard Times